Sunrise is currently available to individuals who meet the following criteria. We are actively working on expanding access to Sunrise.
Age: Individuals between 18 - 64 years old.
BMI: Individuals should have a BMI greater than 30, or a BMI between 27 and 29.9 PLUS one or more of the following weight-related conditions:
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Pre-diabetes
- High cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- Cardiovascular disease
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Obstructive sleep apnea
Pregnancy status: Individuals should not be pregnant, breastfeeding, or currently planning to become pregnant.
Clinical criteria: Patients should meet the clinical criteria for treatment as defined by their doctor. The decision for treatment is at the sole discretion of the doctor.
- Location: Individuals must reside in the United States.
For individuals interested in starting compounded semaglutide with a BMI between 27 and 29.9, additional weight-related conditions may not be required; however, prescriptions are at the physician's discretion.
We are committed to providing access to Sunrise to as many individuals as possible and are actively working to broaden the availability of our services.
If you need more information or have any further questions, please don't hesitate to email us at
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